Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Career Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Hi, I'm going to be a junior in about 2 months when school starts and I do not yet know what I want to be and what to study in college and I was wondering if anyone out there could please give me some help. But I do know that I'm interested in things that involve crime,law,mystery and things like that. Im going to list some things I like to watch to give you an idea of what my interests are, I like to watch C.S.I., The Defenders, and other shows that deal with crime and finding out the killer and listening to crime stories and what happened so I would predict what would happen or who's the killer. My question is if there is anyone out there who could give me a list of jobs that are in the fields of Law, Criminal Justice and anything else that deals with crime, even thought the list would be long please still submit it even any websites. It would be truly helpful.

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