Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Does anyone know where I can find a download link to Bonehead by ONEPOINTSIX? It was in s3ep4 of True Blood?

There's this song that is stuck in my head, and it just so happens to be one of the scores played in an episode of True Blood. It was in the season 3 episode 4 called 9 Crimes. The song is called Bonehead by ONEPOINTSIX. I can't seem to find it anywhere. Can anyone help??

Cast Iron Cleaning...special question?

I would try freezing it first. Put the pieces in the freezer overnight (then handle with gloves) and try to break off the rubbery pieces. Repeat the freezing/scrubbing routine until most of the larger chunks are gone. What is left on there, you might be able to burn off on your grill.

Why do (most) asian men have less testosterone?

i totally agree with you man as a student in kinesiology and biology. however penis size is not at all related to testosterone production. everything else youv stated is scientifically correct

Do you think that white American liberals are happy with all the anti-white racism in the US today?

Don't they realize that all this black on white crime, is against white liberals as well, since the most racist and criminal group of people in the US that blacks are, show no mercy if you are liberal when they rape you or murder you?

Do you believe the myth that Republicans are fiscally conservative?

No. Good politicians are practical. They do what they need to do to keep the country from falling apart and then they get their spin doctors to come up with the ideological mumbo jumbo that will make them sound liberal or conservative. It's sort of like a 'grudge match' in professional wrestling.

What would you think of a clean-living Hollywood actor?

i donned think so... look at the disney actors some of them don’t drink or do bad stuff and girls love them.. i think a lot of ppl would like a guy like you... just saying

How do I deal with firebrats in heater while living in a dorm?

I would try spraying them and the area where they may be getting in with insect spray. You can purchase it at any hardware or home depot store. There may even be one especially made for earwigs and firebrats and other critters in the same family. Good Luck