Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Does anyone know where I can find a download link to Bonehead by ONEPOINTSIX? It was in s3ep4 of True Blood?

There's this song that is stuck in my head, and it just so happens to be one of the scores played in an episode of True Blood. It was in the season 3 episode 4 called 9 Crimes. The song is called Bonehead by ONEPOINTSIX. I can't seem to find it anywhere. Can anyone help??

Cast Iron Cleaning...special question?

I would try freezing it first. Put the pieces in the freezer overnight (then handle with gloves) and try to break off the rubbery pieces. Repeat the freezing/scrubbing routine until most of the larger chunks are gone. What is left on there, you might be able to burn off on your grill.

Why do (most) asian men have less testosterone?

i totally agree with you man as a student in kinesiology and biology. however penis size is not at all related to testosterone production. everything else youv stated is scientifically correct

Do you think that white American liberals are happy with all the anti-white racism in the US today?

Don't they realize that all this black on white crime, is against white liberals as well, since the most racist and criminal group of people in the US that blacks are, show no mercy if you are liberal when they rape you or murder you?

Do you believe the myth that Republicans are fiscally conservative?

No. Good politicians are practical. They do what they need to do to keep the country from falling apart and then they get their spin doctors to come up with the ideological mumbo jumbo that will make them sound liberal or conservative. It's sort of like a 'grudge match' in professional wrestling.

What would you think of a clean-living Hollywood actor?

i donned think so... look at the disney actors some of them don’t drink or do bad stuff and girls love them.. i think a lot of ppl would like a guy like you... just saying

How do I deal with firebrats in heater while living in a dorm?

I would try spraying them and the area where they may be getting in with insect spray. You can purchase it at any hardware or home depot store. There may even be one especially made for earwigs and firebrats and other critters in the same family. Good Luck

How can Obama get re-elected with 9.1% unemployment if no other president has done so w/ more than 6%?

If you select Mitt Romney as your nominee, then Obama may be a little concerned.However you peeple want Bachmann and other strange birds instead of Mitt.You need to worry.BESIDES, Republicans want to destroy MEDICARE and many people are finished with them forever after that news.

Is there a such thing as a fuel/air rifle?

I know there are air rifles as opposed to conventional guns. I wonder if a gun that combines the propellant efficiency of a pure air gun, & the power of an exothermic reaction(pure flammables pack more energy than explosive compounds that currently drive ammunition) viable firearm innovation. It seems like there's some potential there. You have the stopping power of a "real" gun, & the raw material efficiency of a pure air gun. You wouln't need any cartridges, or smokeless powder. I'm wondering if car fuel could do the trick, or kerosine. I'm sure the effect on the barrel is a consideration. I'm thinking it can have the same basic function as a conventional air gun, except the incoming air can help spray in a stoiciometric amount of fuel into the action chamber. There should also be an ignition source like a spark or glow plug. The resulting combustion & expansion can help boost the bullet/pellet's veloicity. If it works well, the same safety regulations would apply as w/ a full blown rifle. Do such rifles exist?

Can you bake glitter on polymer clay?

I like to make little polymer clay things like cupcakes and stuff like that and I was wondering if it would be ok to put some glitter on it and bake it? Just regular craft glitter. My friend said not to because glitter is flammable.. Is it? Thank you!

If God has infinite intelligence, would you accept that we are like children to him?

Kids are stupid, or at least naive compared to most adults. They think they have everything figured out when they really don't. Adults think they know better and have everything figured out; but looking at this ****** up world, all the abuse, crime, war, and corruption, I would say adults are no better than children. Which is partly why I must recognize humanities idiocy and arrogance, our obligation to be humble, and a higher power that we must recognize. Would you accept that your intelligence, along with our whole race's intelligence might be flawed in understanding on the terms of evolution and the atheist view of God itself?

What are some of the safest cities to see a MLB baseball game at.?

By this I mean which cities that MLB teams play at have the least crime rate. This is a hard question. because the teams play in big cities.

Where is my life going? (My Gypsy Life)?

If you are tired you are tired, someone has got to make a change for the better, and maybe it will be you, when your parents are old they may be to old and sick to move from place to place and no housing, education, you will be able to provide a place or shelter for them. As I stated someone has to think differently for the family to survive and have homes etc, education, health insurance. So good luck, you can do it, they may complain but when they see you doing okay they will be proud of you, you can show the younger generation that things are different and what you need to survive you can keep your cultural values at least some of them food, clothing etc.

Are Republicans attempting to Block the United States recession from Recovering faster to Hurt Obama?

First of all. Jimmy carter left office as the country was slidding into a Recession. Unemployment hit double digits in reagans first term. And It took all 4 years before it fell back to below 10%. This is a man, Ronald Reagan, who Most republicans think is the best president of all time. For 1, if he is the best of all time, why do they think someone who is not as good would be able to fix the exact same set of problems, faster? Also, During Reagans first term, Ronald Reagan did not have Democrats Fillabustering everything he did to prevent a recovery. Like Obama, Reagan bailed out the auto industry. When he did this, he had democratic Support. And Republicans praised him for saving the auto industry. This time around Republicans tried to block Obama from Saving GM. They wanted the company to go under. Yet when Reagan was in, they supported him for his efforts, they said " How would it look if this Great american car company goes under, to the rest of the world". That was what was said by the Reagan admin, and he got praise over it. Republicans hate Obama for saving GM. Whats' up with this ? It almost seems like Republicans are willing to try and block anything positive from happening on Obama's watch. When Most of the things he is doing, were done by Reagan and Bush First. And the corporate tax rate under Reagan was 50%!!!

Why do u think i am suspeciaous i am working with the nigerian crime bureau?

and the fbi i have leterrs of commondation helping them caught 20 scammers. why did yuu shut my sending off would youlike to have the crime bureau lhead mrs. warzi, write you and tell you that i have helped to caught many scammers. I wnat my account back to send please

Does anyone know of a flash game where you could light different materials on fire?

Google search Falling Sand Game and the website should come up. Then on the website, choose Pyro Sand. and there you go.

Help with Fuel Injector project?

I have a question that I hope to get some feedback on about injectors etc.. I have no real experience with fuel injectors and need some feed back before I go off half ****** and waste my time. What I want to do is a science fair demonstration. Where I demonstrate the performance or operation of a fuel injector visually. This will demonstrate how the car's computer by controlling the signal to the injector it can meter the precise amount of fuel needed and any given speed by controlling the on time. What I want to do is get a cheap used injector and fuel pump a from a junk yard. Mount the injector on top, facing down and inside a enclosed transparent box, in air, 8 inches above a fuel reservoir. In the bottom of the box there will be a fuel pump submerged in my "fuel". A colored liquid that is non flammable for safety reasons. I'll use a 12dcv plug in power supply, for power to the fuel pump and injector. I will connect the fuel pump to the injector with copper tubing and with a simple button switch control the on time and showing the injector spraying fuel. Will this work as you see it? Any suggestions on safe fuel, is dyed water ok? What distance does the injector spray? Thank you for your help.

Are DVDs flammable? Will they burn if you light them with a match?

They will probably just melt and will catch alight if you leave a flame under for 5 seconds like any other plastic.

My baby dragon is breating fire on my pet unicorn.?

Well basically i just got this baby dragon. He's really sweet and his name is Frank. (we call him Frankie!) My adult unicorn, Bob, and his girlfriend Rainbow, both have lived with me for 10 years after i found them on the street in Neverland. So now that I have Frankie, he's been breathing fire on Bob. Don't worry, Bob is not flammable. Should I get this behavior checked out? I've already contacted Doria Waterwell from "It's Me Or The Dragon", and Beezer McFlan frrom "Unicorn Whisperer". Please Respond!!

What ingedient makes oxiclean detergent flammable?

i am doing a science fair project and i need to know what ingredient makes oxiclean, tide, era, and all flammible these are my four detergents please awnser ASAP

What does the number at the bottom of the flammable sign mean?

it's a number that indicated how flammable the substance is, if there is a crash or spillage the emergency peeps know how to handle it.

How come they haven't passed the Dream Act?

Like I know a lot of people don't want it to get passed, but what's so bad about it? It gives SMART & GOOD (and does who have a clean record) students great opportunities. It's not like it's going to legalize every illegal immigrant. I know that being in this country illegally is a crime, but some of those kids didn't choose to come here; they were bought here when they were so young. Honestly, they should pass it. And i know that some of you ignorants are going to say rude stuff about it, but that's just my opinion.

What are some crazy outfits for a six flags day?

sew six flags from different places (not countries like other parks or something) into an outfit or a cute purse

What Harry Potter characters do you like best?

I like the good characters and some bad. But Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasly, Albus Dumbledorb, Dobby, etc. And the only one bad, Bellatrix Lestrange. I think she is funny.

Would President Ronald Reagan be able to run on the GOP ticket if he were alive today?

Yes he would. What happened during his time as president speaks for itself. He took over for one of the worst presidents in history(the current one will rival Caters place) and turned it all around. Within three years the trends and direction of the economy was obvious. He adjusted his policies as the economy got on track. One of the things often forgotten about his term was that he had to rebuild the military. Carter had decimated it and it was one area that truly needed attention and it is also where much of the government spending went. The policies that were put in place were in many areas, directly resulted in the prosperity of the Clinton era.

Why do parents blame...?

Because it's easier than blaming themselves for feeding their kids crap. Not saying it's right, but that's the general thought process. Really, the parents have all the control in the world. They could make their kids a nutritious, filling lunch. It's laziness at its finest. A cheeseburger is fine every once in a while, but if parents are depending on it as a typical meal for their kids, it shouldn't be a surprise that their kids are overweight. Simple as that.

Why is nitrous illegal?

I wanted to know why nitrous oxide is illegal if some people mod their cars up to like 700-800 HP for street driving. I can understand that NOS is flammable and can cause an explosion when in use, but car with this much power seem just as bad.

My writing first chapter? What do you think?

Well, its a good start but it could be made better. First of all, does the abusive relationship between the mom and the daughter have anything to do with the plot of the story? If it doesn't, then i would consider writing that part out. Same with the mom's boyfriend. Does that add any additional detail to the story? Secondly, in this line: "Sure,” Rilletta said, “If you teach me how to do that magic thingy.” the word "thingy" seems very childish in relation to the plot and other characters. There are also some oxymorons used in the text, ones that don't make sense, so be careful with those. (i.e. calmly ordered) It would also help the story if we got to know a little bit more about the characters. Not too much, since this is only the first chapter but a tiny bit more. Overall, if you make some minor improvements, this would be a great book that i would definitely read. Keep writing!

Is society messed up?

Then you should start thinking about your future, instead of thinking about getting wrecked on the weekend. If it is more money you want, then I suggest you go to college, before it is too late. Become a tradesman; and like olde Harry Enfield once said: bish bash bosh - looooads a money!

Im stuck in that chamaber with the 3 jugdes where there r continuos pots coming out with that flammable stuff.?

u keep on destoying the pots and another 1 comes out. u cn move it but there is nowhere to go with it. plizzzzzzzz help

Why do anti-govt/free-market people demand that govt creaate jobs for them. I thought the free markets did tha?

Because your confusing people like Reagan with actual anti-government and free market people. People like Reagan pay lip service to government is bad but then build up government like no other.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Old School Dem's Was Ronald Reagan a good president when you were around?

anyone who was around during reagan wanna let me know how he did but i only wanna hear from democrats who saw him not people who were republican

Why do we need to use highly flammable materials despite their dangers?

The trouble is usually anything that is highly flammable also equates that it contains a lot of potential energy. And to get work done in moving anything you need energy. So the more energy per volume there is along with easy to transport and disperse and buy anywhere....the more society wants it until a better energy source comes along that can replace these qualities

Can I use a governmental address video without permission?

I am making a documentary about the Cold War and would like to use one of Ronald Reagan's speeches as a part of it. Do I need permission from the government to use this video or is it free to use?

Why did Republicans joke about shooting feral pigs from helicopters to solve the immigration problem?

In Kansas this week, a Republican legislator jokes about “taking care of the state’s illegal immigrant problem” by expanding the state’s program of shooting feral pigs from helicopters. While Republican’s in Wisconsin eliminate state employees’ right to collectively bargain, a right that the Republican’s patron saint President Ronald Reagan called a fundamental right.

Need help super crazy dream?

dude its like ur dream is like gta, and the rest of dat $#!T is just f'd up... ur dream is like a painting made from picasso. lmaoo

Help with dying my hair the right color? (People with DARK DARK hair only please)?

Ok i have dyed my hair 4 times in my life... every color i got was too dark!!! I have super dark jet black hair ( i try to go light.. but im TERRIFIED to go too light because i dont want to look crazy, but i heard the darker your hair is, the lighter you should go..) and i want like a reddish brownish color.. more red though.. red goes good with my skin tone better.. i DONT want Rihanna, Ronald McDonald red.. just something that would look nice and actually show up indoors and outdoors.. i want to notice that i dyed my hair.. and i want other people to notice my hair color without me being in the sun.. any tips? any really good hair hair dyes you have tried? ( dont mention Revlon.. tryed it.. hate it..)

Do police weapons deter crime?

yes. if the police were armed with just a baton and some pepper spray, how many people would be scared of them? You could mug someone in front of them and just run off or if you have a bat or knife the policeman will have to do what you want him to do.

SPLAT hair dye questions...?

Sorry, it will eventually fade into the Ronald McDonald color lol! It will probably last a few weeks (meaning the dye itself) with normal washing before fading completely. The raspberry color (I assume that's what you want to achieve) will stay that way for maybe a week or two. Use cold water to wash any semi-permanent hair color to keep it looking fresh. It will most likely go back to your original color, the length of time depends on the condition of your hair. You may have some slight orangey remnants for a while.

Opinions of this name list?

I LOVE the name Blake. On the other hand, the names: Oscar, Sebastian and Ronald are a little bit outdated and not as great.

Ron Paul doesn't think House Speaker John A. Boehner's proposal will work, do you?

Ron Paul, how absolutely absurd. The Paulies are out again. Good, that means entertainment for us level headed people.

Home made Black Powder without KNO3?

You can buy 1-100 pound bags of KNO3 from ebay for anywhere from $10-$200 bucks but you can get a good 10lb bag for $50 and that should last you a long time dont cheap out when it comes to something as dangerous as black powder.

Do hamsters need bedding?

Right now I have a Russian Dwarf hamster and a Syrian Hamster. I want to know if they need bedding, and if they do, why? Right now they both have some kind of wood shavings. I don't know what kind it is because I don't live in the U.S. and I can't read the Japanese writing. All it says in English is lemon and has a picture of a hamster. I know the lemon part is bad for them, but it doesn't smell like anything to me. Also, it says it is very flammable because it has been dried. It looks like pine bedding because I searched what pine bedding looked like on google images. Should I stop using it? There have not been any ill affects so far. I tried switching to paper towels for bedding on my last hamster, then it choked on it and died. What should I do? Thanks =]

Question about a school break-in? Also, will this effect my career in Law Enforcement? Misdemeanor or Felony?

I think that wasn't a felony. But you should not have done that. I'm sorry, but you can still be charged.

Forensic lab test results?

Actual time to process the samples, depending on the lab, a few days. But they may have a considerable backlog, depending on the lab. I've heard that Los Angeles County is backed up over 1 year, for example.

Atheists: how can you not believe in Hell if you've ever been to California or New York?

I was born in New York, and we still go up there to visit every now and then, and where we're from, I wouldn't say it's that bad. Maybe if you were to go to NYC, that would be different, though. I sometimes wonder if this earth is just hell, though, it seems like it, or at least a mini hell.

Are worms flammable? i need to know this.?

i would really like to know, because i know a worm that's REALLY* annoying, and i would like to set it on flames. thanks.

Does Turpentine Ignite in Room Temperature?

Does it? (80-100F) and what is the flammable limit of it? does it burn on itself when there is a source of ignition?

What happens if i put water on a computer?

i just want to know what would happen if i turned on a computer and put it in a tub of water with oil and a hair dryer and with some flammable cans

Are Plaid Large Leading Blanks Flammable?

I'm making a lamp and I searched everywhere for non burning paper, but didn't find it. I found this, and I was wondering if it was flammable

Was it okay that I poured nail polish remover down the sink?

I poured some nail polish remover into a small bowl and after I was done, there was some left around 5 0z in the bowl. I went to the sink and poured the acetone in the bowl back into the bottle. About half of it (2/2.5 oz) went into the sink accidentally and onto the dirty dishes/pots that were in there. I washed all the dishes with soap and put them in the drying rack and drained all the water. Now I'm worried. Was it safe that I spilled some acetone into the sink? I heard it is flammable. And would washing the dishes get the acetone off and safe to eat off of?

Is Nail glue flammable ?!?

For me and my partners science lab, every one is making a rocket. Later, we have to shoot it up in the air next week. Our teacher is making us use tacky glue, which could take up to 30 min to dry. I brought Kiss nail glue (pink) to school and we glued the fins together. We did it in 5 min it was absolutely amazing! I'm worried that it would explode or something! I guess it will be dry by the time we shoot them, so is dry nail glue flammable??

Career Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Hi, I'm going to be a junior in about 2 months when school starts and I do not yet know what I want to be and what to study in college and I was wondering if anyone out there could please give me some help. But I do know that I'm interested in things that involve crime,law,mystery and things like that. Im going to list some things I like to watch to give you an idea of what my interests are, I like to watch C.S.I., The Defenders, and other shows that deal with crime and finding out the killer and listening to crime stories and what happened so I would predict what would happen or who's the killer. My question is if there is anyone out there who could give me a list of jobs that are in the fields of Law, Criminal Justice and anything else that deals with crime, even thought the list would be long please still submit it even any websites. It would be truly helpful.

Libs: Is the fact that Reagan was busy defeating the USSR enough to justify his spending?

I always hear from libs "Why do you care about Obamas spending so much, but don't care about how much Ronald Reagan spent". But I thought Ronald Reagan was busy dismantling one of the greatest threats america has ever faced which had the largest army and second largest economy in the world? Not even mentioning it was a totalitarian dictatorship. I guess i was dreaming. Has Obama ever faced a threat that large? And even so Obama plans to increase the debt 4 times what Reagan did!!!!! And that's adjusted to inflation.

Obama has stronger, more forceful government than George W. Bush and even Ronald Reagan?

0-bama's thugs are only tough guys when they're pushing Americans around and they don't perceive that there is a threat of retaliation. Punch them in the teeth and see how "forceful" they are. Like typical "liberals", they'll curl up in a ball and pout about how mean everybody is.

Struggling at the moment with feelings????

Please wait and watch. Be calm and quiet. Have patience. Exercise lot of tolerance power. Luck will soon turn in your favor. In the meantime, pray for a while daily at least for few minutes.

Pouring nail polish remover into the sink?

I poured some nail polish remover into a small bowl and after I was done, there was some left around 5 0z in the bowl. I went to the sink and poured the acetone in the bowl back into the bottle. About half of it (2/2.5 oz) went into the sink accidentally and onto the dirty dishes/pots that were in there. I washed all the dishes with soap and put them in the drying rack and drained all the water. Now I'm worried. Was it safe that I spilled some acetone into the sink? I heard it is flammable. And would washing the dishes get the acetone off and safe to eat off of?

Who was the three best and three worst presidents of the usa?

in my opinion the three best were (1) george washington(2)thomas jefferson(3)ronald reagan_ in my opinion the worst were (1)abraham lincoln(2)john f. kennedy(3)barack obama

What do you think of Oregon?

I moved here from Arizona 6 years ago and I don't care for the cloudy/rainy weather. I do like the low crime and moderate temperatures.

Monday, July 18, 2011

If no free will, then why individual responsibility?

Buddhists claim that "all in emptiness" for reasons similar to the idea of determinism (everything is dependent on something else) yet they also acknowledge reality and promote compassion . . . . as to how these two concepts are compatible, the answer, they say, is irrelevant.

Is Jon Venables getting Justice or having revenge dumped upon his head?

The crime committed by this 10 year old boy was a terrible one. He and his accomplice murdered Jamie Bulger, a three year old after torturing him. A terrible terrible shocking crime. I do not blame Jamie's parents wanting to make Venables life a misery, but I keep on getting a vague feeling that something is not ringing true in their regular press releases and TV appearances. I may be being unfair and I can cope without the "How would you feel if -----" I know how i would feel, the same as you possibly but nevertheless ------?

Is lighter fluid flammable?

me and my bro are having an argument about this, I think it's not but he insists it is. We want to microwave a sealed container of liquid but he doesn't want to use lighter fluid cuz he thinks it's flammable.

Why don't Obama leave Moammar Gadhafi alone?

Because the UN Security Council asked that something be done about Gadhafi, and the US loses its super-power status if it stops caring about what everyone else in the world cares about.

Will a 20 Amp DC circuit breaker do for a circuit with 3 12v 34Ah batteries and a 36v 1000W motor?

Actually No 1000 watts divided by 36 volts is 27.7777 amps a bit over the 20 amp circuit breaker. However 34 Ah divided by 27.777 amps is 1.224 Hr run time.

Alternative to a bunsen burner?

I'm in high school, but I'm making a distiller at home for some personal interest in chemistry. The thing is, it's going to be pretty flammable if I use a bunsen burner. I was considering a hot plate, but it's still pretty dangerous. What stable heat source could I use? thanks!

Is it classed as a crime whether someone bruises you unintentially or purposefully?

Does it depend on the size of the bruises or the amount of bruises given or the character of the person who gave them as to whether it is considered a crime or not?

IF Dr David Duke were to run for 2012, would you vote for him?

Unfortunately, he has been disqualified by our Jewish owned liberal government from running due to some "tax evasion" claim. He would have really had a strong base and a strong chance of winning. He would close down our borders, deport all illegals and minorities (Latinos back to Latin America and blacks back to Africa, Asians back to Asia), would crack down on gays and crime, and would really turn our country into the country that was truly envisioned by our forefathers. Only an American-hating liberal would not vote for Dr David duke.

"No I won't go out with you, I hate you, you stupid little Neek!" - Explain please?

I don't know how old you are.. but 99.9% of the time that answer means exactly what it sounds like. I don't think she wants to go out with you dude. I'm sorry.

Why do Righties want Chris Christie or Rick Perry to run as Conservatives - against Obama?

I think it is funny that Conservatives want them to run while the majority of their own constituents think they are both doing lousy job running their states.

Do you think time travel is possible?

In order to travel forward in time you would need to travel at speed of light; say you were in a train going at that speed for a week you would of traveled 100 years. In order to go back in time you would need to jumped across the universe to the point before light arrives, to do that would require a worm hole but once again not possible. In physics nothing can travel faster then the speed of light and nothing can come close to its speed.

Is it legal to make fun of companies such as McDonalds' in a video?

I was thinking about making a YouTube video, so I found this site which gave me a good idea of making commercial/adds about companies. But I was wondering, if I make fun of them in a video and post it on YouTube and they figure it out won't they like track me down and sue me somehow? Is it legal? My idea was doing something like getting a picture of Fat Albert and one of Ronald holding a bomb with burger written on it that I found and having Ronald ask Albert if he wanted a burger. Albert would say like uh... and then Ronald would say something along the lines of come on, your in great shape! It won't hurt you. And then Fat Albert eats it and the McDonalds' sign comes up with I'm lovin' it!

Is a home fragarance oil flammable?

I think I would definitely get rid of them. You don't want to light up your candles and start a fire. As far as I know they will probably shoot a bigger flame so I would not try to do it for your party. Good luck and have a great party minus the candles...

Question about oxygen and burning?

Oxygen itself is not combustible. If it was, our lungs would be on fire whenever we breathe. It affect burning of other materials, because without oxygen the process of combustion is not possible. I fyou try to light up something, in an area without oxygen, it would be. There would be no gas created. Oxygen in the air is a requirement for any combustion.

Could i wear my spike ring on the plane?

Okay you know those rings with the spikes on them. Would I be allowed to wear mine on a plane trip to the Philippines. Also, I forgot what what amount of liquid I'm allowed to bring. Could I bring my 18M flammable perfume.If I can't wear my ring on the plane, could I bring it in my other luggage. Not the carry on?

Question about a school break-in? Also, will this effect my career in Law Enforcement? Misdemeanor or Felony?

We all do stupid things as kids. Never admit to anything. If it really bothers you have a lawyer contact the school and inquire as to the damages and have her tell the school a person who wants to stay anonymous wishes to pay for the damage without making any admissions. But my advice is leave it alone. When you are an adult make it up in some other way, after the statute of limitation for burglary, theft and criminal mischief are expired.

I spilt nail polish remover on my carpet then I put water and soap on it to wash the remover out?

I spilt it and got scared because it said it was very flammable so I put water and soap on it to wash it out then my friend said I will get mould, will I get mould? I'm really scared.... How can I get it out???

How much do emotions play into murder court cases?

I was wondering about this, after hearing of it a lot. A serious crime such as a murder is committed, then when on trial, sometimes it's the murderer, other times it's an innocent person, but they are quick to be blamed due to how they come off as emotionally withdrawn and almost robotic. Now this was personally scary to me, because that's what I do under stress. I become very apathetic and detached. Despite that, I'm a sensitive, pacifistic person, who believes in the law. I thought to myself, so if I just happened to be a suspect for murder I could go to prison simply because the jury and or Judge, thought I was guilty based upon my emotional response?

Where is my life going? (my gyspy life)?

Hello my name is Matthew im 14. i am from hawaii,but was born in san fransisco California i've been living in hawaii for 3 years. i wish to go to the mainland but can't because my dad did a crime, he is a body man and has no job, he works but its kinda like self employment except without all that taxes bullshi't. i am a gypsy, i travel a whole lot from place to place, i've lived in maybe 5 different sates, throughout 14 years of my life. people don't really know the way the gypsy culture they will likely miss under stand it, a gypsy is a person who travels alot! and dose not have a job and dose not have good credit score and dose not get "legally married" and a bunch of other stuff including paying there taxes. gypsy people don't believe in a good education because i mean seriously 8 years in school + collage? all gypsies don't believe in that some do some don't, me on the other hand im one of the lucky ones, i can read and write and spell hate math. i have missed up to 7 years of school because of my family due to traveling and my culture. the only thing a gypsy family really wants is a 3.fancy cars life to its fullest 5.have a very Very large gypsy culture collage is getting married the way i think of it, a average gypsy boy is considered a man at 14-16 i am 14 i am suppose to get married in 2-3 more years i don't, most boys do. i have a very poor family,very big but poor.constantly asking family members for money and begging. i hate begging! so embarrassing. what im trying to tell you is that i don't really know if i wanna continue to live this life. if i continue to become a gypsy my job will be to buy and sell cars, its not that bad actually i would buy a car for low money and sell it for high i would make maybe 3-5K depending on the cars.but that's not what i want nore getting married at 16 nore moving from place to place nore destroying my credit nore living a criminal life. if i chose to become a "american" my mother and father will disown me, i don't want that, the gypsy culture insists on becoming strictly gypsy, all my family will disown me, but im sure they will love me. i've told them many times if i get a job i would make more money then both of them but no...i wish i could change my life it sucks! all i do is play games all day long no school nothing not even a social life.if i do get a job i have one in mind...i would like to be a infectious disease researcher and work with the CDC in atlanta i would make around $178,000 Annual. and i would "own my home' and my car a, new one plus i'd have money in the bank,but then there's collage see that's were my problems start, i have missed all my years of school and it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into a good collage since, i want to major in biology and medical no one would except me!, it would take me maybe 17 years to get my job go to collage and save up all the money to do that. i don't wanna waste 17 years of my life for that. and if i do get a job the most id ever make is maybe $35,000 Annual,i really don't no what to do? i mean some of my family members are rich from buying and selling car's and psychic readings. i don't know and even if your saying to your self were are the police,well if your saying where is child protective services they wouldn't find me because i move like crazy Plus gypsy are excellent liars,i mean i have a home i have food i have all of that i don't want the police to take me away from my family i have 3 brothers and 1 sister they don't go to school, i don't know what to do you tell me?

War Crimes-- what about the 5 star American Generals who burnt innocent Asian woman and children?

things like this were ok because the north vietnamese were doing things like making punggie pits. so the US responce was total war which has become more popular since the beginning of the 20th century. it's just become more and more common. plus genocide is defined as the systematic killing of a race, ethnic group, or religion. really non of that was systematic. systematic would've ment that we would take them prisoner and gas them in a chamber

Why was each family in Iraq allowed one rifle during Operation Iraqi Freedom?

Most parts ot the country is still lawless. Citizens have no choice but to have one just to protect their family and themselves.

How can Obama get re-elected with 9.1% unemployment if no other president has done so w/ more than 6%?

If you select Mitt Romney as your nominee, then Obama may be a little concerned.However you peeple want Bachmann and other strange birds instead of Mitt.You need to worry.BESIDES, Republicans want to destroy MEDICARE and many people are finished with them forever after that news.

Making some paper lanterns, need some help.?

So I'm throwing a Tangled themed birthday paper and I plan on making the paper lanterns. One problem, I'm fairly sure tissue paper is highly flammable. (Is it?) I know some people have made them out of rice paper but isn't that highly flammable too? So are there any easy to make alternatives or is there something I could use to make them less flammable? Or am I just full of crap for thinking the paper could burst into flames at the slightest hint of a flame?

Chemistry Question PLEASE HELP!?

A mixture of flammable gas containing carbon oxide (carbon (II) oxide) and hydrogen is produced from the reaction of water vapour with hot carbon. Calculate the total volume of carbon oxide and hydrogen produced by the reaction of 1.0 t of carbon with excess water vapour at 10 �C and 500 kPa.

Why is virtually nothing done to stop women being trafficked around the world for prostitution?

It really sickens me that people are allowed to traffic women around the world for the purposes of making money from them selling their bodies, such people if caught should be executed on the spot, i have significant issues with women but this really makes me angry, why does government not shut such people down and give the perpetrators the death penalty for their crime? I wish i could do a job where i could get these people.

Was Micheal Gorbachov really serious at the "Iceland Conference" with Ronald Reagan?

In isolation the Reykjav�k Summit might be considered a failure - or at least unproductive but it did give both sides an indaication of the level of concession each was likely to make. It did however raise issues of human rights and goiot these on to the agenda andit did eentually result in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1987. Reagan was delivering lines that he was being given, of course, so his background as an actor can only have been of benefit - we would be in a poor posiiton if we relied solely on the intellect of most of the recent US Presidents.

Question about a school break-in? Also, will this effect my career in Law Enforcement? Misdemeanor or Felony?

I doubt if they noticed a bag of pretzels missing, they probably thought that the computer wire got cut by accident. If you were never charged with anything I wouldn't worry about it. Next time don't be so stupid and risk your future.

Do Cons realize that Ronald Reagan was a senile old man and not the all-mighty deity that they think he was?

He caused us huge debt that Clinton who is a Democrat cleaned up. So you see Democrat presidents are better than Republican presidents which is why Obama will succeed.

Why Victims of Rape in arab state Face Jail?

They think she "seduced" him with her vagina. It's sick and sad. I think that all rapists should get a life sentence when they get convicted in court.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why isn't water flammable? ?

Water is combusted hydrogen. Combustion or "burning" is reacting with oxygen. So water is the product of combusted hydrogen and can't by burned any further. The same if you burn carbon, you get CO2 or carbon dioxide. CO2 (like water) is used to extinguish fires because CO2 can't be further oxidized (reacted with oxygen). Remember oxygen is not flammable, it only makes things burn better.

What is it like to live in colindale, kent court - north acre area?

What is the crime level like? how are the people there? is it a bad area to live? or a good area? what is so good about the area to live around there? isit better than burnt oak?

Why hydrogen is flammable while helium is not...?

And why helium is lighter than hydrogen.Please explain. Your help is appreciated.Thanks in advance...

Why does Jon Huntsman get so many political articles written about him?

The media is trying to McCain Americans again. We will not nominate another RINO. He worked for OBAMA nuf said.

Oral Combustion? Yes or No?

If I were to consume standard alcohols fuels, such as ethanol, and combined them with flammables, such as heated metals, would I become able to expel combustion from my oral cavity?

Is Nos (NO2) flammable or combustible?

My cousin who happens to be a UTI student was arguing with me that if you threw a can of NO2 into a fire it wouldn't explode. He was even arguing trying to say NO2 isn't a gas, now I know it's a gas but is it flammable or combustible?

Why can't DREAM ACT be allowed to prevail?

Dream act is just amnesty for illegals, no one wants that. We need to be focused on american issues not illegal aliens

Why is obama supporting LA RAZA the mexican hate Group?

not only are they a hate group but in California they are running blacks out of there own neighborhoods . there is a race war in California Between the mexican gangs and blacks not black gangs just black people Mexican gangs are murdering black people to force them out of there own neighborhood's and it has worked . what was once all black neighborhood's are now all mexican neighborhoods. and the hate group LA RAZA is behind this race war against blacks in california . so why is obama hiring members of this hate group is he okay with the crimes that this hate group commits .

Do the charges against King George III in the Declaration of Independence cover the US Government's crimes?

If not, then if a list was made for the list of government crimes, what could be added? Educated answers only, please.

Do you like these names?

I would have liked a lot of them if they were spelled correctly (ELLINOR, really?! It's Eleanor, don't mess with a classic.)

What are problems/negatives off the internet?

Besides cyber crime. I guess I mean downfalls of mass communication and information sysems. Please no dumb answers. My opinion? Its 3AM and I don't feel like contemplating.

Can diesel cars explode in an accident?

Gasoline is highly flammable, and I know that gasoline cars can easily explode if the gas tank is damaged in an accident. Is the same true of diesel cars? I have seen some videos on youtube that seem to indicate that diesel fuel is much harder to ignite than gasoline, and I am wondering if this would make diesel cars safer in an accident.

Who do you think were the Top 10 most influential people of the 20th century?

Are you just talking political influence? If so, that's a very good list (although I would argue that Hitler is too high, he influenced very little outside of Germany). If you add those who have had major scientific or social influence, the list could change considerably. Off the top of my head, people like Norman Borlaug or Oppenheimer (scientifically) and Elvis or The Beatles (musically) could be considered among the most influential.

World history gurus help for 10 points?

Hello. I work with the K12 officials and these are questions from you World History final. Asking other people on the internet the answer to your test is considered cheating. I have recorded your IP address and will be sending this information to your teacher and parents. You will be unenrolled from k12 promptly and you will not be receiving credit for this course. Please be expecting a call from us in the next day or so.

IS Barbies Hair Flammable?

Well i have always wanted to straighten my sisters Barbies hair.. is that possible without a fire??? ha ha i know this is a dumb question........but is it?

Why are so many people now against the mcdonalds mascot ronald mcdonald and the toys?

Because the meat isn't real meat the plastic in the toys is mOst likely something not plastic and Ronald is a douch

How do I file a hate crime report against my neocon neighbor?

This past week my city celebrated gay pride and he refused to patronize any business that was supporting equal rights for gays, lesbians, transgenders or bisexuals. Now, today he is wearing a shirt that says "Rainbows suck". Can I sue him or get a hate crime judgement? I need some cash b/c I realllly want a new iPad.

How much 151 proof Everclear would be equal to 350 ML of 190 proof Everclear?

I have a drink recipe for a party that calls for a 350ML bottle of 190 proof Everclear. My state recently made the sale of 190 proof Everclear illegal, and now I can only purchase the 151 proof variety. How much of the 151 proof variety would be equal to the 350ML of 190 proof? I'd like the drink to maintain it's original potency, but don't want to overcompensate and end up with something too flammable!

Im goin on tour with my band nd i need a name for the tour?

im in a group called the school of rock all stars nd were a rock alt clasic rock band goin on a tour across the midwest U.S. summer were touring for donations for the ronald mcdonnald house charity foundation nd i need help with finding a name for the tour. i like the use of word play in it heres an example "SORing For Relief" can u guys help me come up with ur suggestions please.

Why is Margaret Thatcher refusing to receive Sarah Palin?

She would not be the first Conservative cabinet minister to say she's nuts. Ken Clarke, former Chancellor of the Exchequer under John Major, said he wouldn't vote for her.

Whyare the police so useless?

They seem to be here at the moat pointless crimes in history such as : riding yor bike on the path... Plahig ball in a 'no ball games' zone... But when one is being raped/mugged/murdered/robbed/kidnaped ... where are they? They are far more dealing with petty crimes with teens than the actual major crimes... :l why are they so useless..

Why dont Rick Perry git on up the rode?

The non viable people they keep adding to the string of candidates is getting more than ridiculous.Rick Perry is so phony its should be a crime.I hope they keep putting more and more on the band wagon.This man Perry is so into himself its like a sign written on his forehead.I cant believe whats happening to the Republican Party? What is happening to them?

Is it true that the more horrifying the crime, the more likely a jury is to find the defendant guilty?

The accused is viewed as innocent until proven guilty. I've been on jury duty and the judge repeated that fact a million times. So the jury can't go into the case thinking that the person is guilty. They go in on a blank slate and only make up their minds on the evidence shown.

1 fl oz hand santitizer on a plane?

I'm travling tomorrow, and I have this 1 oz bottle (non flammable) hand santitzer attached to the outside of my purse. Am I allowed to take it with me, or is there something I should do? Help!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Where is my life going? (My Gypsy Life)?

Arolling stone gathers no moss............try and go to school by hook or by will be beneficial!

How would i make a procedure to determine how efficient different types of fuel are?

you have three samples of fuel which are methanol, kerosene, and wood. all the fuels are flammable. we need to figure out which type is the most efficient at heating somethign or providing light. we can use any materials that would be commonly available at your house or in a high school science lab. also need error analysis and an explaination on how to control these errors and still get satisfactory results. thank you!

Is it dangerous to flat iron hair that has Aussie Sprunch in it?

I have Aussie Sprunch spray in my hair and I want to flat iron it. I brushed through it and it doesnt feel like theres anything in it, but im wondering if it's flammable and I should wash it first?

Wondering what this symbol means...?

On the back of a bottle of Nicole by O.P.I. nail polish, there are 3 symbols, a recycle symbol, a flammable symbol, and the third one looks like an open can with 24m on it and I was wondering what that meant. Anybody know?

When did we stop Public Hanging in the US and Why?

>I tend to agree, that hanging has been associated with the unsavory acts of hanging black people in the South by the KKK or other vigilantes. It also became a circus, when actually, we are talking about someone being KILLED and dying, there is nothing humorous, funny, hilarious or entertaining about that one.

Any good books about street life/culture?

Just looking for any good books about gangs/drugs/drug dealing/crime bosses/mafia/ anything along those lines, anybody know any good ones?

Does playing violent video games lead to a life of crime?

No I am 19 and have played all the violent video games, especially Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty, and I have never been arrested or anything like that. In fact, it is the same story with everyone I know. So, no. People are lead into a life of crime because the people around them are involved in it, or because they need the money and have no other way of doing it. Video games have NOTHING to do with it.

What makes a U.S. President "great"?

When 50 years Later, People can still tell You WHO He was, WHAT He did, and WHY he was Worth remembering... ;)

Why can't Republicans admit Obama is handling illegal immigration better than their standard bearer Reagan?

Most agree with that but the point is irrelevant. This is today, the issues need to be addressed for today and not for forty years ago. Let's stop trying to point fingers and address the problems rationally. The dream act and amnesty would be a far greater disaster today than they were then due to changing conditions. Why don't you admit that?

Am I completely insane, please answer?

Bipolar is just a label of the symptoms. Not everyone will have all the same symptoms and considering your dad has it.. it seems you probably have something of that sort too. Don't look at it with a label.. it's a chemical imbalance in the brain causing these symptoms, it doesn't need a label unless you need to label it. I'm sorry your treatment isn't working, explain that to your doctor. Stay positive and I hope you find some relief.

I have a bottle of body spray and its over three ounces and its flammable. Can I bring it in checked baggage?

Please help im packing right now to leave tomorrow and i don't want my spray taken away but i want to smell good.

What are your views on Sexual attraction towards children?

I received an answer from somebody on a previous question, where she informed me that her opinion of somebody wouldn't go down if they said they found kids sexually attractive, it would only go down if they actually went around molesting kids. My personal opinion is that for a lot of people with an attraction towards kids, it is very likely the law which is stopping them from committing these crimes, rather than their conscience. It is a very tricky topic, because I do think people can't really decide what turns them on, just I have never heard a view which was anything other than hatred towards people who get turned on by kids. What are your views

What To Expect In The Police Academy In California?

For the most part Academy's all over the country are the same, The areas every academy in the country will cover are the Physical aspect, you will run and do alot of pushups situps etc, next is the mental part such as 10 codes, memory recall, reading comprehension, situational judgement reasoning, and report writing and many other areas. I don't know what department you are applying to but there's a show out on Hulu called the Academy and it follows a couple classes at the Los Angeles county sheriffs department academy from week 1 to graduation and I found it very interesting it shows what to expect physically and mentally you should definitely check it out.

How's my country song lyrics?

Taylor Swift >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>… You

What are three things Ronald Reagan does to try to win the Cold War?

I need three general examples. Just give a brief explanation for each example, and I'll be set. Thanks!

Question about a school break-in? Also, will this effect my career in Law Enforcement? Misdemeanor or Felony?

I think that wasn't a felony. But you should not have done that. I'm sorry, but you can still be charged.

Is it true saudi tension free nation ?

many people say and also feel and observer that Saudi is the most tension free nation of this century in this time of materials world while everywhere unrest. I think it is because of 2 layers of security in this country. One is due to god given strict but more benefit for all the humanity Islamic rules solve the problem of dangers crimes and other police what I found is that the most lazy police of the world but still how this country is so much safer to all the different nation people security. Even enemies has to admire at least in this positive point of this country. Compare to USA the highest technology and camera country but still could not control on crimes

Job market for ex- offenders.?

The only places i know are like mechanic shops or construction jobs. Hell, even wal-mart wont hire ex-felons

Is there any Video games with Flying Cars ?

Is there any games that have flying cars (not spaceships) that u can pilot. Games such as Scrap-land for XBOX/PC NYC Racer for ps2 and Crime Cities for PC. Is there any Other games with controllable flying cars Pleas don't mention Wipeout for ps3. Please do not include games with planes or Spaceships, FLYING CAR GAMES LIST ONLY THANK U

What does this courtroom and jail dream mean?

it means you long to be in america and the only way you can come here is in bad dreams. now go brush your teeth...

If dry ice is flammable, why is it used for de-gassing of flammable vapours from storage tanks?

Wherever you heard that dry ice is flammable, that source is incredibly unreliable. Dry ice is made of carbon dioxide (CO2) which is used in fire extinguishers because it is not flammable. Dry ice produces vapor (CO2 gas) which prevents oxygen from completing the fire triangle, therefore preventing fire from ever happening.

Is there any website that I can look up the crime rate just for a certain part of my town?

I have found a nice home for rent for only 525 a month it has 3 bedrooms and 1 bath I'm sure something must be wrong in the area because the house is really nice I was trying to find the crime rate just for that street not my city

Does Ronald Mcdonald still sell crack to kids?

No not anymore he switched to heroin and he makes them all share the same needle why he dances around naked with fries coming out of his ***

What are some really great Crime Documentaries. Exclude The Thin Blue Line. It's great but I have seen it.?

Also, exclude The Staircase Murder (great, but I have seen it). You can also include any other documentaries that are really interesting. I am majoring in Crim. Justice so those documentaries are really interesting to me, but any interesting documentary is great. If you know of any good 'end of days' documentaries or something, those would probably be cool. Whatever, just as long as they are truly interesting and not ..'Eh'

The stick stuff on an envelope, Is it flammable? And is it bad to inhale the smoke from it.?

I wondered because we burn stuff in a big barrel outside and sometimes we throw old envelopes in and i just wanted to know if that smoke is harmfully to inhale in anyway

What if there was no need for money?

If money had never been introduced what would the world be like now? I, personally, think it would be much better to not need money to get by in life. There would be very little crime (most crime is done for money); no poverty (poverty only exists because people need money to get by and those who don't are forced to live in poverty); anyone, with the right qualifications, would be able to go to any School/College/University because there would be no fees to pay; No country would ever have national debt because they wouldn't need to loan money of other countries; All countries would be first world countries because poverty would be non-existent. And that's only a short list, imagine what the world would be like without the need for money?

Do you think it's possible for a molester to change their ways?

I know this man who molested his siblings when he was a young adult. He has kids of his own, and grandchildren. I saw photos of him and his daughter's child, and I shuddered. I can't possibly believe that he didn't do the same to his kids, and possibly grandkids. Unfortunately, those who were victims of his terrible crimes never wanted to dig up the past and have him charged. Is it possible a monster like that could change?

Is it possible that the universe is just in a huge cycle of explosions?

The idea of everything coming back together into a singularity again (known as the Big Crunch) was a viable theory several decades ago, but not any more. Measurements of distant supernovas have shown that a mysterious force called dark energy is actually counteracting gravity over extremely large distances, causing the expansion of the Universe to accelerate and ensuring that no Big Crunch will ever happen. Instead, the Universe will probably continue expanding forever, becoming colder and more uniform, eventually undergoing something called the Heat Death as the last black holes evaporate and individual photons become permanently isolated by the expansion of space.

Why i feel bad when i done masturbate?

i am a boy and 14.. i do masturbate almost daily but when i am done i feel bad and dirty and i feel like i done a crime .. why i feel like that ????

Where is my life going? (my gyspy life)?

Hello my name is Matthew im 14. i am from hawaii,but was born in san fransisco California i've been living in hawaii for 3 years. i wish to go to the mainland but can't because my dad did a crime, he is a body man and has no job, he works but its kinda like self employment except without all that taxes bullshi't. i am a gypsy, i travel a whole lot from place to place, i've lived in maybe 5 different sates, throughout 14 years of my life. people don't really know the way the gypsy culture they will likely miss under stand it, a gypsy is a person who travels alot! and dose not have a job and dose not have good credit score and dose not get "legally married" and a bunch of other stuff including paying there taxes. gypsy people don't believe in a good education because i mean seriously 8 years in school + collage? all gypsies don't believe in that some do some don't, me on the other hand im one of the lucky ones, i can read and write and spell hate math. i have missed up to 7 years of school because of my family due to traveling and my culture. the only thing a gypsy family really wants is a 3.fancy cars life to its fullest 5.have a very Very large gypsy culture collage is getting married the way i think of it, a average gypsy boy is considered a man at 14-16 i am 14 i am suppose to get married in 2-3 more years i don't, most boys do. i have a very poor family,very big but poor.constantly asking family members for money and begging. i hate begging! so embarrassing. what im trying to tell you is that i don't really know if i wanna continue to live this life. if i continue to become a gypsy my job will be to buy and sell cars, its not that bad actually i would buy a car for low money and sell it for high i would make maybe 3-5K depending on the cars.but that's not what i want nore getting married at 16 nore moving from place to place nore destroying my credit nore living a criminal life. if i chose to become a "american" my mother and father will disown me, i don't want that, the gypsy culture insists on becoming strictly gypsy, all my family will disown me, but im sure they will love me. i've told them many times if i get a job i would make more money then both of them but no...i wish i could change my life it sucks! all i do is play games all day long no school nothing not even a social life.if i do get a job i have one in mind...i would like to be a infectious disease researcher and work with the CDC in atlanta i would make around $178,000 Annual. and i would "own my home' and my car a, new one plus i'd have money in the bank,but then there's collage see that's were my problems start, i have missed all my years of school and it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into a good collage since, i want to major in biology and medical no one would except me!, it would take me maybe 17 years to get my job go to collage and save up all the money to do that. i don't wanna waste 17 years of my life for that. and if i do get a job the most id ever make is maybe $35,000 Annual,i really don't no what to do? i mean some of my family members are rich from buying and selling car's and psychic readings. i don't know and even if your saying to your self were are the police,well if your saying where is child protective services they wouldn't find me because i move like crazy Plus gypsy are excellent liars,i mean i have a home i have food i have all of that i don't want the police to take me away from my family i have 3 brothers and 1 sister they don't go to school, i don't know what to do you tell me?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Two Friends discover to see man's ashes in bathroom, and all that were left were his feet. The man Exploded?

many of my friends believe in this phenominon. the man was on the toilet at the time. im guessing it was some chemical reaction in his body that burnt him from the inside out very quickly. nothing else could've caused it. its very possible,what with all the flammable things in the human body. theres even been hundereds of cases of people exploding like this because of the chemicals messing up in their bodies. some chemicals even produce oxygen so this seems extremely plausable to me.. does anyone else agree?

Will this show up on my CORI ?

6 years ago i had pleaded to a CWOF and got 1 year of probation wich i completed and paid all my court fees. Now i just aplied for a job and got the position at a clinic at a patient service department, but i am soooooo nervous about failing my CORI check!!! I was told that when asked in a job aplication if have u ever been convicted of a crime or felony i should answer no because a CWOF is not a conviction and that in most CORI employers search for convictions, guilty pleas or open cases. Is this true?? Should i keep my hope up for the job?? Or will this show on my CORI??

HELP! INFLAMMABLE is most similar in meaning to....?

Wikipedia says that flammable and inflammable mean the same thing, (synonyms) and Google says that deleterious means harmful or causing damage, so the opposite would be B, so B & B.

How could that guys face get burned so bad?

Some guy on the news got a full face transplant bc his head touched a high voltage wire. But the man has no freakin face at all. It looks like a melon is on his neck. How is it possible to get so badly burned from a large electrical shock...his head is not flammable. How could his face catch fire?

I do not get this at all?

if nitrogen is flammable and is in fire then how come water has nitrogen in it and yet it puts fire out?

Why the f*** is 9/11 still such a big deal?

First off, I know it was horrible and very tragic but Americans act like it was the worst attack on civilians in history, and it BY FAR IS NOT. Have people forgotten about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Possibly more than 246,000 innocent people who had nothing to do with war were killed. And if u don't think it was like an act of terrorism, you're stupid because those weapons caused so much psychological damage to the people involved it's unimaginable. Or how about "blockbuster bombs" used in WW2. First bombs would be deployed onto a city breaking windows and roofs of civilian buildings to pieces. After that incendiary bombs would be dropped onto the kindling that was now the buildings, lighting everything flammable on fire including innocent people and killing more than 200,000 in one city alone. Those are just two of countless gory attacks on civilians in even just post WW1 times. I mean yes it was very sad but TONS of other countries have had countless innocent civilians killed in terroristic ways but none of them think it was the worst thing ever to happen to anyone. They know it wasn't and if u don't I'm surprised u can still breath by yourself.

Politically speaking, why do people make outrageous claims that?

allowing people to get a license to carry a concealed weapon means there will be an increase in gun crimes?

Need help with a Spanish translation?

"In regard to the talent of the area, the dominican gardeners Ronald Guzm�n, Elier Hern�ndez and Nomar Mazara, steal the show. 7 figure bonuses"

Why did Ronald Reagan stop the operation to kill Muammar Gaddafi in 1986?

Reagan ordered air strikes in Tripoli following the Gaddafi sanctioned bombing of a Berlin discoteque ten days earlier, in which two American military personnel were killed and more than fifty American soldiers and marines were injured.

Why all 3 wings of us failED START ENQ birth citzn@birth of OBAMA usa.grievances(350+) were filed by dr kK roy?

Please, Donald Trump made himself look like a fool, and now wants people to forget that he ever opened up his mouth. Don't follow in his footsteps.

Career Help!!!!!!!!!!11?

Hi, I'm going to be a junior in about 2 months when school starts and I do not yet know what I want to be and what to study in college and I was wondering if anyone out there could please give me some help. My question is if there is anyone out there who could give me a list of jobs that are in the fields of Law, Criminal Justice and anything else that deals with crime???? But I do know that I'm interested in things that involve crime,law,mystery and things like that. I like to watch these shows and list them to give you an idea of what my interests are, I like to watch C.S.I., The Defenders, and other shows that deal with crime and finding out the killer and listening to crime stories and what happened so I would predict what would happen or who's the killer. Love a great mystery. It would be truly helpful.

Another poem by me. please rate?

The rhyme seems a little forced, but otherwise it is very good. I love the subject matter and the beautifully constructed imagery.

How is sarah palin to blame for the high crime rate in Chicago?

crime is out of control in Chicago . and the leaders of chicago are blaming sarah palin .are they to blind to see that it is liberal policy's that is causing the crime rate to be high in that city. in fact if you look in every city or state that is run by liberals those states/city are falling apart they have high crime rate more illegals living there then americans . CALIFORNIA has turned into mexico . the mexicans are even ruining the blacks out of there own city . and look at detroit its like a third world country . but of course liberals are never to blame no no bush is to blame or sarah palin is to blame never them tho.

Is heat protection hair styling spray flammable?

Im wondering, because i would like to take it with me when i travel but I dont know if it will be okay. Ok, so the rules are if it's in a checked bag it can be any size container as long as it's in a ziplock baggie, and Thats fine, but the item cant be flammable... Idk if it's flammable or not, it doesn't say anywhere on the bottle weather it is not, but it contains alcohol so it could be. Please help! I'm leaving Wednesday and I kinda need to know!!

Why do the anti-gun zealouts claim that?

Weapons make it easier to kill people. People kill people. Whenever a weapon is more efficient (like bombs, machine guns) more people die. Sure it is people's fault not the bomb's, but the fact remains.

Was Ronald Reagans Star Wars or SDI ever carried out?

it cost too much money to implement. it did provide a great deal of excellent and relevant research, which is being used by the defense dept. today. the air born antimissile laser system being tested is fallout from "star wars". the navy ship launched anti satellite interceptor program is another.

Would it be okay to paint mini paper lanterns with acrylic paint? Is it flammable?

I bought these adorable little paper lantern lights for my new apartment. Only problem is that they are a bit plain. I was going to paint different flowers on each little lamp. I paint a lot, but I only have acrylics right now. I hear you have to be really careful with lanterns catching on fire. Would the acrylic paint on the outside catch fire? Is it flammable or safe enough?

Would Hillary Clinton be as good a president as Barack Obama?

Some people think she should not have balanced the budget when Bill was president. They think she should have had massive deficit spending so there would have been more money for welfare recipients as when Ronald Reagan was president. What do you think???

What was America thinking when they elected a crappy actor for president?

Reagan won because Carter was a such a screw up. Kind of how Obama won because Bush was such a screw up.

What's wrong with an oxygen powered car concept?

Oxygen is just as flammable as gasoline. Why don't we use it instead? Also, it's abundant! We wouldn't have to go through much trouble to get them. Would too many cause a lack of oxygen for us to breathe or something? Why has nobody made an air powered car?

Caught shoplifting at 15 and 19? Will I be charged?

Your actions were foolish. Grow up and learn to buy the things you want. I hope you DO get charged. Perhaps knock a little sense into the very small brain of a shoplifter.

When are we going to have a good President?

We have not had a good president since Ronald Reagan. Clinton fail, Bush fail, Obama fail etc. We need a good commander in chief who will secure our borders and get rid of all the illegal immigrants, destroy the IRS and find a way to make it so people are not taking advantage of welfare!

Classic Literature that links to The Time Travellers Wife?

im doing a school essay which requires me to do a comparative essay between two books, i absolutely adore the time travellers wife by audrey niffenger but need a more weight literary novel to link it with i.e pride and prejudice, crime and punishment... those sort of books.. any ideas of a book and a link!?!?!

Where is my life going? (my gyspy life)?

Hello my name is Matthew im 14. i am from hawaii,but was born in san fransisco California i've been living in hawaii for 3 years. i wish to go to the mainland but can't because my dad did a crime, he is a body man and has no job, he works but its kinda like self employment except without all that taxes bullshi't. i am a gypsy, i travel a whole lot from place to place, i've lived in maybe 5 different sates, throughout 14 years of my life. people don't really know the way the gypsy culture they will likely miss under stand it, a gypsy is a person who travels alot! and dose not have a job and dose not have good credit score and dose not get "legally married" and a bunch of other stuff including paying there taxes. gypsy people don't believe in a good education because i mean seriously 8 years in school + collage? all gypsies don't believe in that some do some don't, me on the other hand im one of the lucky ones, i can read and write and spell hate math. i have missed up to 7 years of school because of my family due to traveling and my culture. the only thing a gypsy family really wants is a 3.fancy cars life to its fullest 5.have a very Very large gypsy culture collage is getting married the way i think of it, a average gypsy boy is considered a man at 14-16 i am 14 i am suppose to get married in 2-3 more years i don't, most boys do. i have a very poor family,very big but poor.constantly asking family members for money and begging. i hate begging! so embarrassing. what im trying to tell you is that i don't really know if i wanna continue to live this life. if i continue to become a gypsy my job will be to buy and sell cars, its not that bad actually i would buy a car for low money and sell it for high i would make maybe 3-5K depending on the cars.but that's not what i want nore getting married at 16 nore moving from place to place nore destroying my credit nore living a criminal life. if i chose to become a "american" my mother and father will disown me, i don't want that, the gypsy culture insists on becoming strictly gypsy, all my family will disown me, but im sure they will love me. i've told them many times if i get a job i would make more money then both of them but no...i wish i could change my life it sucks! all i do is play games all day long no school nothing not even a social life.if i do get a job i have one in mind...i would like to be a infectious disease researcher and work with the CDC in atlanta i would make around $178,000 Annual. and i would "own my home' and my car a, new one plus i'd have money in the bank,but then there's collage see that's were my problems start, i have missed all my years of school and it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into a good collage since, i want to major in biology and medical no one would except me!, it would take me maybe 17 years to get my job go to collage and save up all the money to do that. i don't wanna waste 17 years of my life for that. and if i do get a job the most id ever make is maybe $35,000 Annual,i really don't no what to do? i mean some of my family members are rich from buying and selling car's and psychic readings. i don't know and even if your saying to your self were are the police,well if your saying where is child protective services they wouldn't find me because i move like crazy Plus gypsy are excellent liars,i mean i have a home i have food i have all of that i don't want the police to take me away from my family i have 3 brothers and 1 sister they don't go to school, i don't know what to do you tell me?

Why is marijuana illegal?

Why? What's the point of it being illegal? People still do it. And besides the people who are doing the drugs don't commit any real crimes the people who sell them do. I mean really its the gangs and stuff that sell weed and other drugs that are killing eachother all the people smoking weed r just sitting in there house getting high not doing anything bad. Its just completely ridiculous that marijuana is illegal. also as to my other point about gangs selling it if it was legal pharmacys tobacco stores everyone would be growing it and selling it not gangs. It could also be taxed and the governmeant would actually make money instead of reinforcing some bullshit nazi law.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Which president had more efficient plans/is a better president?

Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, or lydon baines Johnson? And no, this is Not homework but a matter of a debate that is going on currently between friends

Do you agree with this Tea Party speech about 2012?

I can see where this speech would stir a persons patriotism but it could have been delivered by any one from any party. It talks about absolutely no issues.

Do you think Italians are sick of Silvio Berlusconi and the conservatives' mismanagement of Italy's economy?

Perhaps you will enlighten us all and tell us what nations are financially sound today. Hint: damn few.

Who are not boxing Hall of Famers?

I don't think Tarver belongs there, definitely not Buster Douglas, and i strongly disagree with whoever said Winky Wright isn't hall of fame material. Winky is one of the best defensive fighters ever. His arms from elbow to fist were long enough to protect him from waistband to chin in a high guard, and he would make you pay on the counter for sure. I think he was one of the best junior middleweights ever. One win over Trinidad, Two over Mosley to make him the first undisputed champ in 29 years in that division. His record stands at 51-5-1 (25KO). Yeah Winky caught his breaks late in his career but if he isn't hall of fame material then i guess i dont know what is.

Don't the Montreal Canadiens fans make you sick sometimes?

As a fellow leafs fan i can see that the fans calling for Charas head aren't real montreal canadian hockey fans there the equivalent to the leafs fan that think they can trade for Crosby,Stamkos or Gretzky just to an extreme level and i agree with Texhabs fan if it did happen to say Kulemin overeacting leaf fans would probably be doing the same thing or worse.

Need someone who works for alcoholics anonymous or narcotics anonymous?

Nobody works for AA or NA. The meetings are not governed by any specific leader nor is their any membership or governing body. If you are truly interested in finding out more about a facility or attending a meeting for informational purposes, then you can Google AA/NA meetings for your city and state. If your are interested in a inpatient/outpatient facility then communicating with their staff will help you with your assessment. Good Luck!

Which Republican presidential candidate is the Second Coming of Ronald Reagan?

None as of now. I certainly hope the Cons don't spend their time trying to find "another Reagan" and , instead, just focus on presenting a viable candidate that their constituency can rally behind.

How to make something flammable that doesn't evaporate quickly?

Have a small acreage. My gravel driveway - about 200metres long - got overgrown with weeds during the extended wet season. I've poisoned the weeds, but need to burn them off before they mulch down and even more grow. Have tried petrol, metho, kero etc. to spray them with so can then burn, but the fuels evaporate too quickly and it is costing too much. Can anyone suggest how to make something, or mix something with whatever flammable liquid that I can spray the dead weeds with and burn without it evaporating so quickly? Am finding that I will spray an area of driveway about a metre wide and a metre long, then fuel evaporates before I get a chance to light it up and keep it burning enough to incinerate the heavy (dead and dried up) weeds And yes, I kinda need it to be sprayable so can use my backpack sprayer, otherwise it will take forever and I can't stay on my feet much due to serious back and knee injuries I got in my 50's (even carrying the backpack with 10litres causes agony!) Thanks. PS I tried mixing petrol with motor oil - it was a bit more effective, but still far to expensive for this disability pensioner.

Why doesnt hydrogen gas combust around us?

majority of air is actually nitrogen, hydrogen is found bonded to almost everything and is also in its gas state bonded with itself. It does combust when you light a match, its just too spread out to blow us all up just like oxygen. When condensed or provided as a sample it is most likely pure and should NOT be near a flame, and this includes reactions that give off hydrogen gas.

Politically speaking, why do people make outrageous claims that?

allowing people to get a license to carry a concealed weapon means there will be an increase in gun crimes?

Why isn't NATO charged with War Crimes?

Who made law? NATO created laws/rules/regulation or whatever it is so the rules don't apply to them.

How do you pull over vans on GTA4 ?

Okay, I'm on the crime and punishment mission and it says to press L to pull over the vans . But, when I hit L if I'm moving it makes the car stop and when I'm stopped it makes it back up .. !! .. Please help!!

Is the eleventh commandment alive last night in the Republican debate?

The eleventh commandment, popularized by Ronald Reagan in 1966, but created by Gaylord Parkinson, says "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Poetry Section: What do you think of this poem I wrote?

I think it was a well written poem. Each line was filled with feelings that I can conncet to, adding them all up to make really good and meaningful stanzas. Well done, Den.

What the hell happened to black people in America?

I read books about blacks, and I find that in the old days, they would die to get an education. Nowadays, going to school, reading, and the urge to learn take a backseat to the two-step, the dougie, and the club. Was it Ronald Reagan's crack epidemic that messed up black people?

What does flammable warning sign 1993 and 1760 mean?

I saw a truck today that had a warning sign on the side of some trucks, one tank had a 1993 warning triangle sign and right below the 1993 was a 3. The other trianangle sign was black and read 1760 with a 8 right below it. What do they mean? What material was in the tanks?

Which of these Races is most likely to commit crimes such as house break ins?

that is extremely racist... you cant base someones likelyhood to commit a crime based on their ethnicity!!!!!!!!!

What determines why a material is flammable or not?

How come certain plastics can be set on fire but others can not? Does this relate to glass as well and other materials?

An Easy way to Light fireworks?

It is not a thread that you want to light, it is a fuse. But yeah, check out the sites in the other answer (there is only one other answer at this time) and see if they are any good. You don't state if you are in an area where fireworks are legal. If you are, talk to one of your local firemen. A lot of towns and cities send at least one of their team members to special training for fireworks. Another possibility to check into would be some kind of electrical fuse system (such as are used for model rocketry). It would require a special type of fuse, but you can stand well away from the danger area, and ignite them one by one, or in multiple groups, often with just a car battery.

This or that names.... Boys and Girls?

Jason, Sebastian, Noah, Todd, Billy, Arrow, Jeffrey, Ryan, Tamra, Danielle, Robin, Autumn, Ophelia, Eden, Samantha, Violet, Isabelle, Belle, Hazel, Adele


I'll admit that I didn't read any of that. But I honestly think that this country, in the state it's in now, would be better off run by a rock with googly eyes glued on.

Do you believe the myth that Republicans are fiscally conservative?

No. Good politicians are practical. They do what they need to do to keep the country from falling apart and then they get their spin doctors to come up with the ideological mumbo jumbo that will make them sound liberal or conservative. It's sort of like a 'grudge match' in professional wrestling.

Why do some Democrats try to pony Fred Phelps off as a Republican?

Yeah. Total Democratic shill that guy is, "During the 1992 presidential campaign, Phelps criticized Hillary Rodham Clinton during a speech he gave endorsing Bill Clinton's presidential campaign at the University of Kansas on October 14, 1992. In 1996 Phelps and the Westboro church opposed Clinton's re-election because of the administration's support for gay rights. The entire Westboro congregation picketed a 1997 inaugural ball,[40] denouncing Vice President Al Gore as a "famous fag pimp."[41] In 1998, Westboro picketed the funeral of Gore's father, screaming vulgarities at Gore and telling him, "your dad's in Hell."[41]

Are we ready for massive rises in homelessness and no doubt crime too?

The object of the exercise is to control rents, landlords have been overcharging for far too long because they have had an open cheque from the social security office. The whole idea is that they will have to reduce rents which will make it easier for everyone to find a home. The government cannot just legislate and tell landlords what to charge so this is the only way they can do it. Landlords have a stark choice reduce rents or sit on an empty property that earns them nothing.

Is amniotic fluid flammable?

i was watching the movie "the last exorcism" and i could explain everything that was happening up till they through the baby in to the fire but i couldn't explain why the fire reacted like that and i can't find the answer online i know that it is just a movie but i would still like to know.

Would the following be a good response to a strawman attack?

Maybe. You just have to point out the ignorance of their assumptions -- the distinctions they make without proper qualification

Isn't it funny how Obama is the first president in a VERY long time w/o executive experience?

True, Obama had no executive experience. But, 'experience' is not worth anything if the person is incompetent. Owing a business doesn't mean much when they all go bankrupt.

What is your favorite quote from any politician?

“Sir, I make no terms. I accept no compromises. If when I ask for an appropriation, the object shall be shown to be proper and the expenditure constitutional, I defy the gentleman, for his conscience’ sake, to vote against it. If it shall appear to him otherwise, then I expect his opposition, and only ask that it shall be directly, fairly and openly exerted. The case shall be presented on its single merit, on that I wish it to stand or fall.”

Help! English Spanish translator?

Wow what a sad sad story. So bad that only a few people understand what you understand that immigrants don't come here to steal nothing from noone but to work and give their family a better life. And yes thats why every victim prefer stay quiet because noone do anything and like that lady she was fired for been a victim.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My name is ronald and i was just wondering how i do i tell my friend shes mean?

Tell her nicely.. maybe cover it up with something else she's been doing.. tell her to stop doing something because it's bothering you, hurting you, ect... use "i statements" like I don't like it when you do _______ because __________. Try to tip her off to the fact that her actions and words are making other people feel bad. Tell her that she's mean in a nice way.... and then tell her how she can improve on her niceness.

According to the GOP, is war only good when a GOP is president?

No, that's the democrats. They are still bawling about Iraq but have said nothing about Afghanistan which they claim we should be there or Libya or getting out of Iraq like promised. And who knows who Obama will take on next. Where has their outrage about all of this. Even calling Libya a nonwar cause there wasn't any fighting. For those who don't believe in wars neither side is going to be OK for starting one and for those who believe it is a necessary evil will not care who starts it but is it necessary.

What are some of the safest cities to see a MLB baseball game at.?

By this I mean which cities that MLB teams play at have the least crime rate. This is a hard question. because the teams play in big cities.

How is President Obama doing compared to the Republican standard bearer Ronald Reagan?

Ronny was a figure head. Barry is a senior bureaucrat, like a Prime Minister in a minority government. He does not have the power to do what is needed to solve the problems like Ronny did.

Israel commited a massacress in turkish flotilla aid ship ,are they planing another massacres with flotilla2?

During the Cuban missile crisis we (the USA) blockaded CUBA .Do you see any similarity here? Take the blinders off and realize that ISRAELS action are the same as ours the only difference is that the Russians backed down. Will Fotilla 2 stop and allow inspections no they want confrontation and body count to draw world attention .Good luck to those stupid enough to be on the receiving end.

Cigarette lighter in washing machine?

I was doing laundry and when the load was done I found a lighter in it. It leaked a little bit. Is it bad if I turn on my washing machine , because it says not to wash clothes that have flammable liquids on them. So I'm scared if when I turn it on something will happen.

Why are so many people now against the mcdonalds mascot ronald mcdonald and the toys?

It's always easier to blame someone else than to look in the mirror. Ronald isn't even in most of McDonald's commercials. And you're right about the toys. Once the kids get home and have their PS3 or XBOX 360 controller in their hand they're not going to care about that cheap toy that's probably already broke. When I worked in retail I'd find happy meal toys all the time when walking the store. The kids didn't even want them for an hour.

What can I use to compare pictures?

I want to compare and overlay a picture of me and my father. To compare and see if we have the same eyes, nose, lips etc. like they do on crime shows. What can I use!?

Is sewing thread flammable?

If you are curious, find out - get a length of sewing thread, hold it over a sink and light the end with a match.

Dropping charges of domestic violence .. ?

Since you pressed charges in the first place they took it serious that's kinda the reason police shouldn't get called if you know you are going to start feeling remorseful ...However you might be able to get the charges dropped if that's what you really want to do by letting the judge know that you feel safe of course there is the risk that he is upset by the whole thing and you get him out and you actually need help and they don't take you serious...

Can I be made to testify against husband?

If you have no direct evidence, there IS no need for you to testify. On the other hand, if you are called to testify, nothing you would say would have any bearing (since you know nothing)

Question about a school break-in? Also, will this effect my career in Law Enforcement? Misdemeanor or Felony?

I think that you should stop worrying about it. No report was filed, and although it was a bad mistake to make, you clearly are not a hardened criminal. It's not like you lead a life of crime and have committed other crimes in the past. I don't think that an active investigation is being carried out, and everyone has probably forgotten about it. Don't let it happen again, and I'm sure that you'll be fine to have a career in law enforcement.

Cornstarch and alchohol?

I'm wondering if i mix cornstarch and rubbing alchohol if it will produce the same type of thick luquid that water and cornstarch produces. and if so, will this stuff be flammable?

Can Pam (cooking spray) be flammable?

Pam is flammable. Don't spray it near direct flame or a hot electric heating element. But most baking pans will cool down enough after removing from the oven that it's safe to spray them directly, away from the heat sources. You don't need it to cool all the way down to room temp. The smoking point will be around 400-450 degress, and it won't take long for the pan to fall below that temp out in the room temp air. After removing the food, you can fan it in the air for a second or two and it will cool down tremendously.

I think i may have been on the recieving end of hate-crime based on my faith ?

I think that military men tend to be of a particular bearing which some find intimidating. You could be right, i'm just not sure.

Am I the only one confused when watching the Casey Anthony Trial?

Today I was watching the trail again like normal on Good Morning America, and it said that she has a witness that found the body. Now they are saying he TOOK the body then months later placed it back in the crime scene. That's the excuse of the defense but I don't buy that! Didn't they just say that she died of drowning? So why would he have the body if she died of drowning? Why wouldn't they have said anything earlier if she just died of drowning? What I DON'T get is that even if she died and she knew she died of drowning and her family knew, why did they just forget about her and then dump her away? Why would the man be considered a snatcher if she had the baby around the time? That is what bugs me!

Is it bad for a computer power supply to sit outside its case?

PSU cables are not really that long such that PSU can sit far away from PC case. Practical would be sort of piggy-back or still attached to outside of case. The problem with such a set up is that the PSU fan does not help in the ventilation of the PC case. It is supposed to be one of the exhaust fans.

On scale 0 to 10 grade ability to govern of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Sarah Palin?

1 ronny lied to get the job and never stopped, so he gets a 3 and that's stretching it..2 bill the only thing he did wrong was cheat on his wife if not for that he would be a 10..3 obama if the people didn't stab him in the back we would be doing good now but still gets an 7 for trying to fix everything the republicans screwed up..4 palin.. we only know that she does not have what it takes to be president so that rates a O

Is Herman Cain the Candidate for 2012, Self Made has cleaned toilets and run a corporation, met payroll WORKED?

I have maxed out the legal limit for contributions to him already. Time to act like a liberal and have Donald Duck and friends mail him checks.

Can you really check for a car Vacuum leak using Propane?

I think my car has a vacuum leak and i saw a video about checking by spraying around with the engine running and if it stalls that means thats where the leak is at? Isnt it dangerous though? What if you do it with the engine cold? I heard you can also use air intake cleaner but its more flammable. And if it is the propper way to check for a leak, where should i spray and look out for? thanks

Can I trust her to 'change' after cheating?

NO you have NO obligation to be with this little slut. How self-disrespecting is she? You don't want to be associated with such a person. She will be the next 16 and pregnant. She lives up to this saying "once a cheater, always a cheater."

Two Friends discover to see man's ashes in bathroom, and all that were left were his feet. The man Exploded?

many of my friends deeply believe in this Unexplained Phenominon. the man was on the toilet at the time. im guessing it was some chemical reaction in his body that burnt him from the inside out very quickly. nothing else could've caused it. its very possible,what with all the nasty flammable things in the human body. theres even been hundereds of cases of people exploding like this because of the chemicals messing up in their bodies. some chemicals even produce oxygen when theyre mixing or reacting..there was even a case of a woman on a boat who was seen just exploding into flames for no reason without warning where she burnt to this seems extremely plausable to me.. does anyone else agree?

Is there a minecraft server mod like single player command mod?

So, i started my minecraft server and i am looking for something like the single player command mod for multiplayer. you know, the spawn ___ or give ____ _____ or flammable _____ ____ ____. killall, stuff like that. also i would like to know how to put mods onto a server, but i really want an answer to the previous question.

Why isn't my moonshine strong?

i dont think you can use bakers yeast because the alcohol kills it you must use brewers yeast so the yeast doesnt die off from alcohol

What are some good causes to support?

I am looking for a foundation or a cause that my friends and I can have a fundraiser for...any suggestions? So far we have animal adoption league, st. jude's children's hospital, to bring back middle school sports, breast cancer research, diabetes research, beautifying our community, ronald mcdonald house... thanks so much! :)))

Do Republicans truly believe Obama could have Fixed the entire economy in 2 or 3 years?

Reagan did not get unemployment below 9% Until the very end ( last few months ) of his first term. Bill Clinton had high unemployment his entire first term. Both Presidents had a 43% Average by the end of their first terms so... When Republicans attack the president for not doing good enough. Do they believe he should have the problem fixed faster than Ronald Reagan did? Or Bill Clinton?

What does the Right-Wing want America to be; when centered has moved to far right?

It's pretty obvious to most of us that their objective is to turn the US into a facist dictatorship run by Harold Camping.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is helium {highly} flammable.........?

Not at all. Hydrogen is highly flammable. Helium is a noble gas, meaning its valence electron level is full, meaning it's HIGHLY un-reactive, meaning it won't light at all.

Can i sue a newspaper?

in 2008 FBI raided my familys house with allegations of human trafficing,money laundering,social security fraud and a foced abortion (allegations were agains my parents),my parents faced 108 criminal counts and 50years+ in federal prison. With the help of our attorneys we were able to build a strong defense in wich we went to mexico to interview several alleged slaves, whom all sided with us, saying there was no such abuse, even the woman who was allegedly foced to abort brought along documents stating it was an ectopic pregnancy that had to be terminated, NOT an abortion. The government later too dropped the money laundering charges because they admitted it was a mistake, and as it turns out one by one the charges began to fall...eventually 107 of the 108 charges were dropped because the government could not back up its allegations. the one count was for having an undocumented employee working with us for two months( ). Several even grander allegations were reported by a hispanic news paper based in Los Angeles which exaggerated stories and even went as far as claiming my family had a contracted hit man working for us. the reporter who wrote these news paper articles claims she did some investigative reporting with some supposed slaves and collaberated with the FBI in their investigation, it turns out she was interviewing two disgruntled employees who wanted to gain legal residency from this. i want to know if i can effectively sue a news paper for not doing a detailed investigation on such a heavy case? what can i do? do i have a case? might the FBI be liable as well?

Use these words in a sentence, SHORT sentence. please!!?

Famine has often caused civilizations to form alliance, a decision that holds a lot of weight for a loose alliance could cause your flammables to be burnt and then you would lose everything you had in a reaction to a poor alliance.

Umm so can you put this in better words for me?

means the cops cant arrest people for driving illegal immigrants around nor hiding immigrants who've committed a crime. They also cant verify if someone is legal with ICE just because they dont have an ID.

Would you say this is the face of Canada?

I'd say that it's terrible,it really is, however this is just a handful of people doing that. Not every Canadian is a pedophile. I'm Canadian and I rarely hear about pedophilia (and I live close enough to Montreal). No one should judge Canada on this, it's like if other people judged the all of the United States just because they have a high crime rate. I am ashamed though, that these people are Canadian citizens.

What is the fear of clowns called?

been terrified of them for a long time prolly since about age ten I fainted in a Mcdonalds because i had to sit next to a Ronald standee

Whats the difference between compressed dry air spray and one that contains fluoroethane?

They use these sprays on electronic devices but the dry air spray advertised negatively on sprays that contains fluoroethanes. Also, dry air is not flammable compared to fluoroethane suggesting that this chemical is reactive. Does this mean dry air is safer on your electronics than the sprays containing fluoroethanes?

Can you use a hair straightener if you have hairspray on?

I know this is a maybe a silly question but hairspray is flammable so I was wondering If use a hair straightener after I put hair spray on will my hair catch on fire?

Computer and internet crime?

I have just recently written an article on computer crime. I am just wondering what effects you think technology has had on crime, and if you personally have ever been affected?

Ronald Ross Murder by Neil Wardrope? 1965? how to find new archives?

As I recall, there was a documentary made of this crime, and was shown in North America on either Discovery, or History channel, and you may be able to track it through them.

How fast does gasoline burn?

I'd contact my local volunteer fire department and have a fireman help you stage the experiment. That way you'll have fire extinquishers and emergency medical access at the scene. They may be interested in the results and you can publish a paper on the experiment that will add to your resume.

WARNING !!! very boring post not queation?

This is completely unrelated but, is that you in your picture? I wrote a book for school and that picture was what I used for this girl in my book named Charlotte.

Slow burning flamable liquids?

Hello, I need to get some flammable liquid of sorts that's the least dangerous and preferably slow burning. Thanks! :p

Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton had approval ratings of about 43% at this point and went on to crush their opp?

I don't understand why Republicans are quickly jumping to conclusions about the fate of Obama's Presidency. Both Clinton and Reagan had walked in on bad recessions their first terms. The economy didn't start crawling out of both holes until the very end of both their first terms. Why are republicans under the assumption that Obama can and should be able to fix everything, in a even worse Recession faster than Reagan and Clinton?

Do you miss Ronald Reagan, the best president of the United States?

Yes, I do and he was great. I remember the economy in his 1st year and how MUCH better it became several years later.

I don't think my flame test worked?

for my flame test, i used Calcium chloride, and it showed the red-orange flame. Chlorides always burn in flame.

Pagans: have you read this? Is it worth buying?

I haven't read it, but IIRC there was some discussion of it over on the Amber & Jet mailing list. If you aren't a member, you'll need to join to check the archives.

Is this a good intro?

Journal 1 and Journal 2 sound like two different people narrating it. Are they supposed to be two different people. The storyline and plot sounds really interesting though! :)

Living in a misery small house with a very loud family?

I can't relax in my life even in my home my family are so ****** annoying and I feel I'm gonna commit a crime here. I feel them directly in my head and I feel my head well gonna explode from the disturbing. I just lock my self in my room for days hating my life or I get out of my room and have fist fight with my brother. I always tell them everything can happen quietly no need to scream or yell but talking don't give any results with them. My mother is always out she say she can't live in this hell anymore and my father is always traveling for he's job and when he's back to home he don't give a **** about what's going on

Where is my life going? (my gyspy life)?

Hello my name is Matthew im 14. i am from hawaii,but was born in san fransisco California i've been living in hawaii for 3 years. i wish to go to the mainland but can't because my dad did a crime, he is a body man and has no job, he works but its kinda like self employment except without all that taxes bullshi't. i am a gypsy, i travel a whole lot from place to place, i've lived in maybe 5 different sates, throughout 14 years of my life. people don't really know the way the gypsy culture they will likely miss under stand it, a gypsy is a person who travels alot! and dose not have a job and dose not have good credit score and dose not get "legally married" and a bunch of other stuff including paying there taxes. gypsy people don't believe in a good education because i mean seriously 8 years in school + collage? all gypsies don't believe in that some do some don't, me on the other hand im one of the lucky ones, i can read and write and spell hate math. i have missed up to 7 years of school because of my family due to traveling and my culture. the only thing a gypsy family really wants is a 3.fancy cars life to its fullest 5.have a very Very large gypsy culture collage is getting married the way i think of it, a average gypsy boy is considered a man at 14-16 i am 14 i am suppose to get married in 2-3 more years i don't, most boys do. i have a very poor family,very big but poor.constantly asking family members for money and begging. i hate begging! so embarrassing. what im trying to tell you is that i don't really know if i wanna continue to live this life. if i continue to become a gypsy my job will be to buy and sell cars, its not that bad actually i would buy a car for low money and sell it for high i would make maybe 3-5K depending on the cars.but that's not what i want nore getting married at 16 nore moving from place to place nore destroying my credit nore living a criminal life. if i chose to become a "american" my mother and father will disown me, i don't want that, the gypsy culture insists on becoming strictly gypsy, all my family will disown me, but im sure they will love me. i've told them many times if i get a job i would make more money then both of them but no...i wish i could change my life it sucks! all i do is play games all day long no school nothing not even a social life.if i do get a job i have one in mind...i would like to be a infectious disease researcher and work with the CDC in atlanta i would make around $178,000 Annual. and i would "own my home' and my car a, new one plus i'd have money in the bank,but then there's collage see that's were my problems start, i have missed all my years of school and it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into a good collage since, i want to major in biology and medical no one would except me!, it would take me maybe 17 years to get my job go to collage and save up all the money to do that. i don't wanna waste 17 years of my life for that. and if i do get a job the most id ever make is maybe $35,000 Annual,i really don't no what to do? i mean some of my family members are rich from buying and selling car's and psychic readings. i don't know and even if your saying to your self were are the police,well if your saying where is child protective services they wouldn't find me because i move like crazy Plus gypsy are excellent liars,i mean i have a home i have food i have all of that i don't want the police to take me away from my family i have 3 brothers and 1 sister they don't go to school, i don't know what to do you tell me?

Where can I get these videogames like fighting Ronald Mc Donald vs. Burger King?

I saw videos on the Tube of different video games where ou can be anyone like Captain Caveman vs Homer Simpson or Fred Flintstone vs Popeye. Where are these games at?

Is it classed as a crime whether someone bruises you unintentially or purposefully?

Does it depend on the size of the bruises or the amount of bruises given or the character of the person who gave them as to whether it is considered a crime or not?

Help with my Career!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Hi, I'm going to be a junior in about 2 months when school starts and I do not yet know what I want to be and what to study in college and I was wondering if anyone out there could please give me some help. My question is if there is anyone out there who could give me a list of jobs that are in the fields of Law, Criminal Justice and anything else that deals with crime???? But I do know that I'm interested in things that involve crime,law,mystery and things like that. I like to watch these shows and list them to give you an idea of what my interests are, I like to watch C.S.I., The Defenders, and other shows that deal with crime and finding out the killer and listening to crime stories and what happened so I would predict what would happen or who's the killer. Love a great mystery. It would be truly helpful

If you created a spark on a gas planet, would it explode?

If you created a spark on a gas planet, would it explode? For example, Neptune is a planet mostly made of methane (a flammable gas on earth).

What if there was no need for money?

If money had never been introduced what would the world be like now? I, personally, think it would be much better to not need money to get by in life. There would be very little crime (most crime is done for money); no poverty (poverty only exists because people need money to get by and those who don't are forced to live in poverty); anyone, with the right qualifications, would be able to go to any School/College/University because there would be no fees to pay; No country would ever have national debt because they wouldn't need to loan money of other countries; All countries would be first world countries because poverty would be non-existent. And that's only a short list, imagine what the world would be like without the need for money?

Do you how far right today's republican party is?

I heard that today's republican party would make G.W. look like a liberal and that Ronald Reagan would stand no chance at all in today's republican primaries.

Is it possible to get to washington dc without passing through any states?

The only way I could think of is to fly into dulles international airport or ronald reagan national airport or some of the regional airports in the area

Can you ship this through USPS, UPS, FedEx?

I am going to be shipping 1 L bottles of Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4). It is a strong mineral acid however it is not flammable and is going to be in a special bottle designed to hold acids. What are the rates for each of these companies and the rules and regulations on shipping such things?

Is ground coffee flammable?

i am trying to find something besides sand or kitty litter to put in a flower pot for cigarette butts. all i have is coffee and i was wondering if it was flammable before i used it and lite my house on fire. flammable?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Are these embeds safe for gel candles?

yes its safe as long as someone doesn't decide to light um. as for tips, after pouring the gel in the container lightly drop it on the counter or table to rock out some or the air bubbles, then place flowers inside with tweezers or such.

About how much do you think I can get in Gamestop store credit for the following Xbox/ xbox 360 games?

Your best bet is selling them at an online store like ebay. I dont think they accept original xbox games. You could sell them for about 250 if each was about 4 dollars. But if you want them to sell there going to be about 100 dollars to 150 dollars. (This is an estimate)

Combination name of ronald and may ann for baby boy and girl. thank you!?

Hi! can you help me to get a cute name for baby boy and baby girl, i want to get the names from the combination of my name and my husbands name. I'm May Ann and my husband is Ronald. Thank you for your suggestion!!!

Was Ronald Reagan's left nut sack bigger than FDR's, Teddy Roosevelt's, and Andrew Jackson's put together?

Ronald Reagan is responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 Men ,Women , and Children throughout Latin America. I wish fox news would let you guys know that.

Is it legal to work full time under 18?

I'm 16 and my mom searched my room and there was a bottle of captain morgan in the drawer under my bed. You can call me stupid for having it, I know drinking underage is a crime, but I've drank like 3 times and since 80% of kids in high school have, I don't think it's a HUGE deal. Anyway my mom said it was the last straw and I either had to work full time (8-6 every day but sunday) with my stepdad for the rest of the summer, or move to my grandmothers without being able to hang out with anyone that lives around here. Anyways I chose my grandmothers but is working over 40 hours a week at 16 legal anyway?

What can I put over a candle to protect a picture from scratching off?

I run a small business out of my house. One of the items I sell are personalized candles. I print out a picture on a special sheet of paper that turns in to a film that can be applied over the candle. I can print text, pictures, anything the customer wants. The problem is that the film, once dried, can easily be scratched and rubbed off with regular or basic handling. Is there anything I can put over the candle that is non-flammable to protect the image, but still allow the candle to burn down properly (and not ignite the customer's coffee table)?

What chemical reaction produces the most gas?

I need a reaction that produces a lot of gas (enough to fill a balloon). It has to be quick, and not produce anything too toxic or highly flammable. Any help appreciated, masses and volumes if applicable would help too.

Can I trust her to 'change' after cheating?

NO you have NO obligation to be with this little slut. How self-disrespecting is she? You don't want to be associated with such a person. She will be the next 16 and pregnant. She lives up to this saying "once a cheater, always a cheater."

Is Nancy Grace a journalist or a parasite?

I've often wondered the same thing. And came to this conclusion she graduated from the school of ambulance chasers and makes a pretty good living off the misery of others But i could be wrong she can be pretty convincing at the end of her show when those tears start to flow.

Gasland - what do you think about Hydraulic Fracking & Natural Gas Drilling?

I think that spoiling the water and soil in order to get more greenhouse gases is one of the stupidest things one can do.

Two Friends discover to see man's ashes in bathroom, and all that were left were his feet. The man Exploded?

many of my friends deeply believe in this Unexplained Phenominon. the man was on the toilet at the time. im guessing it was some chemical reaction in his body that burnt him from the inside out very quickly. nothing else could've caused it. its very possible,what with all the nasty flammable things in the human body. theres even been hundereds of cases of people exploding like this because of the chemicals messing up in their bodies. some chemicals even produce oxygen when theyre mixing or reacting..there was even a case of a woman on a boat who was seen just exploding into flames for no reason without warning where she burnt to this seems extremely plausable to me.. does anyone else agree?

What do you think of this plot idea for a book?

I love the idea, it will have so much tragedy, you might want to have a comic relief, so the reader wont feel so horrible and sad while reading it. Maybe at the end the dad could have an emotional break down or something like that.

When will Harry Potter die?

He'll never die cause he's to beast for you. Last time i recalled, your gonna die.(; Get a life, haha.

Why is Obama unable to make policy in a world of technology?

Ronald Reagan got us through the technology revoultion in the 1980s which most economists and historians liken to the industrial revoultion without missing a beat. He embraced the changing world and worked with it to make this country prosperous. All Obama can do is use technology as an excuse for his failing policy

My sister got caught stealing at walmart tonight?

My sister who is 19 was with her friend who is 18, got caught stealing two shirts and a bra. She said when she was heading out the doors, the security asked for the stuff back. So I guess they were taken into a room and searched. Then the police were called. She has a paper from walmart that says she was caught and stuff. And a yellow paper from the sheriffs department. It says she's issued a court date and it gives a date but no time. Also, this is her first crime ever. What's going to happen?

I just opened a bag of pistachios and the allergy advice says it "contains nuts". What kind of nuts have you?

Yes, I just noticed yesterday that the "natural" bug spray I bought for my houseplants has to be disposed of as hazardous waste.

Can I take shaving gel and a razor on the Eurostar?

A shaving razor is different than a box cutter razor. You're fine. These two things are personal items.