Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Are Republicans attempting to Block the United States recession from Recovering faster to Hurt Obama?

First of all. Jimmy carter left office as the country was slidding into a Recession. Unemployment hit double digits in reagans first term. And It took all 4 years before it fell back to below 10%. This is a man, Ronald Reagan, who Most republicans think is the best president of all time. For 1, if he is the best of all time, why do they think someone who is not as good would be able to fix the exact same set of problems, faster? Also, During Reagans first term, Ronald Reagan did not have Democrats Fillabustering everything he did to prevent a recovery. Like Obama, Reagan bailed out the auto industry. When he did this, he had democratic Support. And Republicans praised him for saving the auto industry. This time around Republicans tried to block Obama from Saving GM. They wanted the company to go under. Yet when Reagan was in, they supported him for his efforts, they said " How would it look if this Great american car company goes under, to the rest of the world". That was what was said by the Reagan admin, and he got praise over it. Republicans hate Obama for saving GM. Whats' up with this ? It almost seems like Republicans are willing to try and block anything positive from happening on Obama's watch. When Most of the things he is doing, were done by Reagan and Bush First. And the corporate tax rate under Reagan was 50%!!!

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